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Matt Hadden

Updated: Aug 7, 2019

Wow! That is the only way I know how to start this newsletter off. These last few months have been incredible. I have seen the hand of God move in so many ways; it is hard to share it all. I realize that sometimes when I truly see the hand of the Lord move and get all excited about it that there is often time others that might not get as excited or energized as I do. I believe some of that is because of context. Unless someone walks really closely to you in life, it is hard for most people to get a complete picture of what God is doing because they might not have the full context of all the things going on. I have found that I can’t share all that God is doing in my life any given moment, and for that, I am found slightly satisfied at the thought of that personal relationship I have with the Lord. There are so many things that only the Lord knows about me, only the Lord has heard my heart in sharing and pouring out to Him, so when I see Him move in those areas, it is hard to put into words with others because of the context and history I have with Him.

Going into this summer camp season, there were a lot of unknowns and uncertainties. Each step of the process this year I have seen the Father meet us there in that place. Exodus 14:14 says – The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” That is so hard for me to get sometimes. Yes, the being silent part for sure but mainly the idea that the LORD, the God of creation, will fight for me. He hears my cries. He knows my needs and desires and not only hears them and knows them but, also cares for them and is moved to minister to me in those things. That is what I have seen these last few months.

We had a record-high average of children each day to share and love on the children in our area. I believe we had over 100 kids on average each day through the summer. We were blessed throughout this summer with having different elders from our church come at different times of the week to share a little in Lakota values and teaching them with the bible lesson, and some came to teach the craft of quillwork. (Working with porcupine quills to make jewelry and such).

These were big highlights for us here. It is encouraging knowing that you are working toward something, not just trying to pass the time. Our heart is to work ourselves out of a job. Not because we do not love it here but because the need is so great, the best way to reach a people group is to raise up believing leaders within that group. As hard as it is to think about sometimes the best way for that to happen is for us to make disciples and step out of the way. There is no doubt in my heart that God is raising up leaders here at Sharps Corner. This summer, I had the privilege to baptize 3 young people, and have a 4th one that is asking to be baptized. God has blessed us so richly with people that are willing to come alongside us and work like crazy to help make us as efficient as possible at sharing the generosity of God’s unfailing love. For all of you that have given your time and resources toward having a free and safe summer camp environment for our future Lakota leaders, thank you. I truly am so very grateful for you.

Now that camp has come to a close, it is time for us to move into the next season of ministry. It truly takes a different shape during the school year. I will be going back to drive a school bus at Rockyford school in a few weeks. All of the regular church activities will startup, and the crazy busyness takes on a different look.

God has blessed us with the funds to purchase the 40 acres to the north of us, and we will be closing on that on August 18th Lord willing. As I was starting to write this earlier this week I had begun sharing about the 26 acres that sit beside that 40 acres and the desire to purchase and close on it while we are closing on the other, I procrastinated sending this newsletter out and then spoke to someone who had told me that the Lord had put on their heart to help us get the 26 acres and asked “did we want it?” She had already started putting the funds together for us to be able to get the remaining land and has already gotten close to $10,000. We are still $7,000 short of having enough to purchase all 66 acres at the same time, and I ask you to pray for wisdom in this area as we are seeking His face about the growth and direction He is leading us in.

Some of the desire to purchase the land is for the growing vision the Lord has given us to further reach the people around us. Last week we closed out summer camp with two of the medical trucks from NAMB. We were blessed to have an optometrist and a dentist, each with a wonderful staff to minister to some of the physical needs to people in our communities. This has been such a great way for us to pray with people and to get into their homes, I truly see God using this as yet another platform to share the gospel. Some of you have heard me share a little bit of my heart on this area, and I ask you to begin praying over this vision of ministry. I hope to share more with you in detail in the near future as the Lord works out the details. If the Lord puts something on your heart, or you feel that you could offer some wisdom in the planning of this vision, I ask you to reach out to me as I will be quick to tell you that I am very much out of my element on some of these things and am seeking out Godly wisdom. I could use some help with developing the building plans and architecture for this medical facility as well as some counsel in pouring basement walls as that is something I have never done before.

Jesus is coming again, and there is much to do before His return. I hope and pray you feel the same urgency as I do.

My friends, whatever it is the Lord puts on your heart I pray you pursue it like He is coming back tomorrow. Because who knows? He just might.

Matt, Amanda, Jacob, Leah and Noah Hadden

Native American ministry, Church planting initiative, haddenjourney


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